Wire Fox Terrier

Wire Fox Terrier

Wire Fox Terriers are small but very active dogs with a wiry, dense coat. They are known for their enthusiasm and determination.

Extended Description

This breed was also developed for fox hunting, and they have an excellent sense of smell and hunting instincts.

Interesting Facts

Wire Fox Terriers have an exceptionally dense coat that provides good protection from the elements during hunts.

Care Recommendations

They need regular brushing and trimming of their coat. They also require plenty of physical exercise and stimulation.


Wire Fox Terriers are very energetic, independent, and brave dogs. They quickly respond to changes in their environment.

Health Issues

They may be prone to hip dysplasia, ear infections, and eye problems. Regular vet check-ups are necessary.

Living Conditions

These dogs adapt well to apartment living but need plenty of physical exercise and active play outdoors.

Training Tips

Patience is required when training Wire Fox Terriers, using positive reinforcement and consistency. They learn quickly when offered interesting challenges.

Exercise Needs

Wire Fox Terriers need daily physical exercise, including walks and active play, to stay in good physical condition.

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