Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniels are medium-sized dogs with curly coats. They are very active and resilient.

Extended Description

The Irish Water Spaniel is a resilient breed known for its ability to work in water. They have a high level of energy and intelligence.

Interesting Facts

This breed has a unique coat that helps them stay dry even in water.

Care Recommendations

They require regular grooming and physical exercise. It is important to provide them with sufficient activities to maintain health and fitness.


Irish Water Spaniels are active, intelligent, and eager to work, with a playful and outgoing nature.

Health Issues

They can be prone to hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. Regular health check-ups are important.

Living Conditions

They adapt well to various living conditions but need access to water for swimming and exercise.

Training Tips

Early socialization and consistent training are essential, as they are intelligent but can be independent.

Exercise Needs

They require regular physical and mental exercise, including swimming, which they excel at due to their natural affinity for water.

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