Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are small dogs with smooth coats, known for their elegance and grace.

Extended Description

Italian Greyhounds are elegant dogs known for their energy and speed. They are very attached to their owners and can be a bit sensitive. Despite their small size, they have a strong hunting instinct and are known for their agility and speed.

Interesting Facts

Italian Greyhounds were popular among the aristocracy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Care Recommendations

They need regular walks and moderate physical activity. It’s important to provide them with a comfortable and warm environment, especially during the cold season.


Italian Greyhounds are affectionate, intelligent, and gentle, forming strong bonds with their families. They can be shy with strangers but are playful and loving with those they know.

Health Issues

They can be prone to dental issues, fragile bones, and eye conditions. Regular dental care and gentle handling are crucial.

Living Conditions

They thrive in warm climates and are well-suited for apartment living as long as they get regular exercise.

Training Tips

They are sensitive and respond best to gentle, positive reinforcement training methods. Early socialization is important to help them feel secure.

Exercise Needs

They require moderate daily exercise, such as short walks and playtime. Despite their speed, they enjoy spending time indoors cuddling with their owners.

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