Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terriers are medium-sized dogs with curly coats. They are very active and curious.

Extended Description

Kerry Blue Terriers are medium-sized, active, and curious dogs with a distinctive curly coat. Known for their loyalty and courage, they are versatile working dogs, excelling in hunting, herding, and as guard dogs.

Interesting Facts

This breed originates from Ireland and is known for its unique blue-colored coat, which darkens with age.

Care Recommendations

They need regular grooming, including frequent brushing and trimming to maintain their coat. Regular physical activity is also essential.


Kerry Blue Terriers are spirited, intelligent, and loyal, with a strong protective instinct.

Health Issues

They can be prone to hip dysplasia, eye conditions, and skin issues. Regular health check-ups are important.

Living Conditions

They adapt well to different living environments, provided they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Training Tips

They are intelligent but can be headstrong, requiring consistent training with positive reinforcement.

Exercise Needs

They need regular physical exercise, such as daily walks, runs, and playtime, to stay healthy and happy.

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