

Kooikerhondjes are medium-sized dogs with long coats, known for their energy and friendliness.

Extended Description

Kooikerhondjes are active and curious dogs that need a lot of physical exercise. They are known for their friendliness and ease of training.

Interesting Facts

This breed was bred in the Netherlands for duck hunting.

Care Recommendations

They require regular walks and mental stimulation. It is important to provide them with sufficient physical exercise and coat care.


Kooikerhondjes are lively, intelligent, and friendly, with a strong work ethic and an affectionate nature.

Health Issues

They can be prone to patellar luxation and eye disorders. Regular health check-ups are important.

Living Conditions

They adapt well to various living environments but require regular outdoor exercise.

Training Tips

They are intelligent and eager to please, making training relatively easy with positive reinforcement.

Exercise Needs

They need regular physical and mental exercise, including activities like agility and obedience training.

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