Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are medium-sized dogs with a distinctive red coat and a playful, energetic demeanor.

Extended Description

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, often called a "Toller," is a highly energetic and intelligent breed originally developed in Canada for hunting. Known for their distinctive red coat and white markings, Tollers are excellent at luring and retrieving waterfowl. They are affectionate, playful, and make great family pets for active households.

Interesting Facts

Tollers are the smallest of the retriever breeds and are known for their unique ability to "toll," or lure, ducks within shooting range by their playful antics.

Care Recommendations

Their coat requires regular brushing to keep it in good condition, especially after outdoor activities. They need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.


They are energetic, intelligent, and affectionate, with a strong drive to work and play.

Health Issues

They can be prone to hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and autoimmune disorders. Regular veterinary care is important.

Living Conditions

They thrive in active households with access to outdoor spaces where they can run and play.

Training Tips

They are highly trainable and respond well to positive reinforcement. Early training and socialization are key.

Exercise Needs

They require extensive physical exercise, including running, swimming, and retrieving games, to stay healthy and happy.

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