

Pekingese are small, regal dogs known for their distinctive appearance and loyal nature.

Extended Description

Pekingese are small, toy-sized dogs originally bred in ancient China as companions for royalty. They are known for their distinctive "lion-like" appearance, with a long, flowing coat and a proud, dignified demeanor. Pekingese are loyal, affectionate, and make excellent companions for individuals or families who appreciate their unique charm.

Interesting Facts

Pekingese were considered sacred in ancient China, and only royalty were allowed to own them. They were often carried in the sleeves of nobility, leading to their nickname, "sleeve dogs."

Care Recommendations

Pekingese require regular grooming to keep their long coat in good condition, including daily brushing and occasional trimming. They are also prone to overheating, so care should be taken to keep them cool in hot weather.


Pekingese are affectionate, loyal, and somewhat aloof. They can be independent and may require patience in training, but they are deeply devoted to their families.

Health Issues

Common health issues in Pekingese include brachycephalic syndrome, eye conditions, and intervertebral disc disease. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and appropriate exercise are essential for their well-being.

Living Conditions

Pekingese are well-suited to apartment living, as they do not require much exercise. However, they should be protected from extreme temperatures due to their brachycephalic (short-nosed) structure.

Training Tips

Training should be consistent and gentle, as Pekingese can be sensitive and independent. Early socialization is important to ensure they are well-mannered and comfortable in various environments.

Exercise Needs

Pekingese have moderate exercise needs. Short, daily walks and indoor playtime are usually sufficient to keep them healthy and happy.

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