

Pulis are medium-sized herding dogs known for their distinctive corded coats and agile, energetic nature.

Extended Description

Pulis are medium-sized herding dogs originally bred in Hungary for herding livestock. They are known for their unique corded coats, which provide protection against harsh weather and predators. Pulis are agile, energetic, and highly intelligent, making them excellent working dogs as well as loyal companions.

Interesting Facts

The Puli’s corded coat is similar to that of the Komondor, another Hungarian breed, and serves as a form of natural camouflage when herding sheep.

Care Recommendations

Pulis require special grooming to maintain their corded coat, which includes separating the cords regularly to prevent matting. They also need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.


Pulis are intelligent, alert, and protective. They are known for their strong bond with their families and their loyalty. Early socialization and consistent training are important to manage their high energy levels and independent nature.

Health Issues

Common health issues in Pulis include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and patellar luxation. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and appropriate exercise are essential for their well-being.

Living Conditions

Pulis are adaptable and can thrive in various living conditions, but they do best in homes with enough space to roam and play. They are not ideal for apartment living unless they receive plenty of outdoor exercise.

Training Tips

Training should be consistent and positive, with plenty of rewards for good behavior. Pulis are intelligent and quick learners but can be independent, so early training and socialization are crucial.

Exercise Needs

Pulis need regular, vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy. They enjoy activities like herding, agility training, and long walks that engage both their bodies and minds.

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