Pyrenean Sheepdog

Pyrenean Sheepdog

Pyrenean Sheepdogs are medium-sized, agile dogs with a long, rough coat, known for their herding abilities and lively personality.

Extended Description

The Pyrenean Sheepdog is a lively and intelligent breed, originally used for herding sheep in the Pyrenees mountains. They are known for their agility, speed, and keen intelligence, making them excellent working dogs as well as loyal companions. Despite their small size, they are full of energy and require an active lifestyle.

Interesting Facts

Pyrenean Sheepdogs are known for their "smile," where they pull back their lips to show their teeth in a friendly manner.

Care Recommendations

Their long, rough coat requires regular brushing to prevent matting and tangles. They also need plenty of physical and mental exercise.


They are lively, intelligent, and hardworking, with a strong desire to herd and protect.

Health Issues

They are generally healthy but can be prone to hip dysplasia and eye conditions. Regular check-ups are recommended.

Living Conditions

They thrive in active households, preferably with access to outdoor spaces where they can run and play.

Training Tips

They are highly trainable and excel in activities that challenge their minds and bodies, such as agility and herding trials.

Exercise Needs

They require regular physical exercise, including long walks, runs, and mental stimulation through training and interactive play.

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