Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terriers, often called Scotties, are small, sturdy dogs with a distinctive beard and eyebrows.

Extended Description

Scottish Terriers are small, confident dogs with a distinctive appearance. Known for their bravery and independence, they are loyal and protective of their families.

Interesting Facts

Scotties were once popular among royalty, including Queen Victoria, who owned several of them.

Care Recommendations

Their wiry coat needs regular grooming, including brushing and occasional trimming. They also require a balanced diet and regular exercise.


Scottish Terriers are independent, brave, and sometimes aloof. They are affectionate with their families but can be reserved around strangers.

Health Issues

Common health issues include von Willebrand’s disease, craniomandibular osteopathy, and certain cancers. Regular health screenings are recommended.

Living Conditions

They are adaptable and can live in both apartments and houses, as long as they get enough exercise.

Training Tips

Scotties can be stubborn, so consistent and patient training is important. Positive reinforcement works best with this breed.

Exercise Needs

They need daily walks and enjoy activities like chasing balls or exploring their surroundings.

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